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Our Facilities

Computer & Internet Facilities

A main feature of I-Soft is its state-of-the-art computing and Internet services. The computer laboratories are equipped with latest Pentium IV computers for student use. All our laboratories are connected to the College's Local Area Network. All software necessary for students to complete their courses, assignments and projects is available on all the computers. 2mb Internet DSL connection is provide for students in computer lab, library and in staff room (for teachers).

Research is important factors in the learning process. For this reason I-Soft has linked all its computer labs to the internet enable students to access information which will further help them in their studies.

Library & Informational Services

The College Library contains an extensive range of both set texts and wider reading. There is a comprehensive business section, as well as a substantial range of journals, and magazines. On-line searching, educational CD Rom’s and Internet access all add to the user friendliness of this vital educational resource. The library is open to students during college timmings from Monday to Saturday.

Multimedia Projector

The College class room contains multimedia projector for audio visual lectures and other presentations for the students


Sports are very essential for the physical and mental development. There are many sports facilities provided to the students by the college. Games like badminton, table tennis, hand ball, cricket, volley-ball etc are played by the students. The college volley-ball, hand ball, and table tennis teams participated in the Interboard and Punjab University competitions, showing good results..

Academic Counceling

The college is committed to helping student to achieve their academic goal. If academic problems exist, teachers assist them in developing their study skills, time management and exam techniques to enable them to reach their potential. 

Career Counceling

The college provides a variety of services to assist students in obtaining positions in public firms, accounting/ auditing, financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies etc. Quite a good number of B.Corn alumni have achieved positions of significance, authenticity and responsibility in various such organizations.

After passing B. Com. IT examination a candidate wishing to pursue her studies further may join Master of Commerce, Institute of Cost and Management Accounting of Pakistan (ICMAP), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP), Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA), MA/Msc Economics or may join a bank and getting through the examination of Banking Council may attain respectable positions


Door Step Services
Ayub Chowk Near Vicky Hotel Jhang Sadar, Pakistan.
Tel: +92(47)-7652121 /  7621234 |  E-mail: isoftjhang@gmail.com

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